Sunday, July 6, 2008♥
-SP BP Mentoring 8th Management Committee-
It was our Basic care-giving talk (for all year 1s) cum Handover ceremony
A year ago, i witnessed the handover of the 7th committee. There i was, sitting there, having a sense of respect and admiration for the leaders of our club. Never have i thought about getting anything close to being like them, taking up duties and responsibilities. It just seems so not-possible. Who am I? Im not like them. I cant be.
Well, that was Then..
Taking the chance of entering their sub-comm, i've realised, was one of the big decision i've made that could change my directions in the future. With the presence of my clique, we All went in together, and i believe they would still find it incredible for everyone to reach so far and achieve so much..
Life in the sub-comm made us worked alot, and learned a lot too.
So after pulling through, we went on and proceed to the interview, and eventually made our way in to the Main comm!
And each of us got our respective postitions (with "shocks and surprises") in the new formation of our committee.
Before the handover, as they were carrying the table out, i saw our badges and manuals dedicated to the 8th committee. They were exclusively prepared by the 7th committee.
(I've heard that when the 7th took over from the 6th, they do not have these sort of guide, and they start everything from scratch..)
[Hereby, i genuinely thank Xueqing for what u've prepared for mi.]
So, it was time to handover. The emcee started reading out names, from the School coordinators (8 of them), to Publicity Ic, Quartermaster, Membership Sec, Honorary Treasurer.
Im next on the list!
I reaffirmed myself, to make sure that i would do a good job when i've received the badge.
"Next, the suceeding Hononary Secretary, Ms {my name}"
I dunno why, but i gave a very small haix.. , and i make my way up.
(hey, a secretary's job is very tedious..)
Yea, right in front of the new mentors, Xueqing (the previous Hon. Sec) put the badge on for me, and passed the big white envelop.
(btw, My envelop has more weight than the others, cos there's 3 addtional keys in.)
Smiled, we parted and i went to meet and line up with the rest of the 8th comm.
Dear main-comm (yea friends, let's get use to call ourselves with that^)
We are now independant, hope that we will enjoy and find it fulfilling as we take our roles in the various sections.
Less sorrows and worries, more fun and laughters!

Part of the leftovers in the Buffet :)

The "Honorary" sounds impressive huh..
(More photos to be uploaded~)
Love you All, fellow 8th comm buddies!
She puts on a Smile!^^ @ 2:49 PM